Page 395 - The Grotesque Children's Book
P. 395
Exhalation. See catarrh
Extraction. The preparation of the subtler and purer parts of a substance, usually by consuming
large quantities of alcohol and then purging in an alleyway.
Fermentation. The rotting of a substance. Not something you’d want to drink. See extraction.
Filtration. For motion the spirits move impetuously down the nervous filaments but for
sensation they only creep by a filtration down their coats.
Fixation. To make a volatile subject fixed or solid, so that it remains permanently unaffected
by fire.
Foliation. To make some plutocrats puff up in layers, like leaves lying on top of one another,
usually accompanied by over-heating.
Fulmination. The splatter of a fulminate or explosively unstable form of a splatter. Sometimes
applied to any process in which a sudden eruptive splatter occurs.
Fumigation. The process of emptying a room after a particularly flatulent crowd.
Fusion. The joining of goats and monkeys together, sometimes for profit.
Glutination. Turning a substance into a gluey, glutinous splatter, sometimes for profit.
Granulation. A complimentary utterance upon a momentous achievement in a tavern.
Grinding. The process of using a grind.
Humectation. The action or process of moistening or wetting goats; the condition of being with
moistened or wet goats.
Ignition. The self-splattering with a substance after considerable excitement.
Imbibition. Shedding one’s greatest besitations.
Impastation. The feeding unto others of traditional Italian dishes.
Impregnation. See catarrh; no, never mind, don’t see catarrh, that won’t be useful here.
Ingression. Entering a room or enclosed area.